Source code for scipr.matching

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import math
import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
import logging

from scipy import spatial
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
import numpy as np

[docs]class Match(ABC): """Base class for all matching function objects. Your matching functions should also subclass this class. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def match(self, A, B, kd_tree_B): """ Find matching pairs of cells between two batches. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray The "source" batch of cells to align. Dimensions are (cellsA, genes). B : numpy.ndarray The "target" (or "reference") batch data to align to. Dimensions are (cellsB, genes). kd_tree_B : scipy.spatial.ckdtree.cKDTree A KD tree of the ``B`` batch for fast queries, since ``B`` is the stationary "reference" batch which does not move, SCIPR computes once at the beginning and passes it along to the matching algorithm at each step. Returns ------- A_indices : numpy.ndarray Index array into ``A``, selecting the matched cells in ``A``. Of length S. B_indices : numpy.ndarray Index array into ``B``, selecting the matched cells in ``B``. Also of length S. Each element in this array corresponds to its match in ``A_indices``. distances : numpy.ndarray The distances between the pairs in ``A_indices`` and ``B_indices``, also of length S. """ pass
def __call__(self, A, B, kd_tree_B): return self.match(A, B, kd_tree_B)
[docs]class Closest(Match): """Use the classic "closest" strategy to assign pairs. For each cell in source batch ``A``, pair it with the closest cell to it in the target batch ``B``. """ # TODO: add 'prune_matches' option in a constructor here def match(self, A, B, kd_tree_B): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) t0 = distances, B_indices = kd_tree_B.query(A) A_indices = np.arange(A.shape[0]) t1 = time_str = _pretty_tdelta(t1 - t0)'Closest matching took ' + time_str) return A_indices, B_indices, distances
[docs]class Hungarian(Match): """Use the Hungarian algorithm for the assignment problem to assign pairs. The "Hungarian" method is an efficient algorithm to solve the assignment problem, where finding pairs between two sets ``A`` and ``B`` is treated as a bipartite matching problem. Parameters ---------- frac_to_match : float If not 1.0, then this is the fraction of the matches to keep. All of the matches are sorted from smallest distance to largest, and then only the top ``n`` are returned, where ``n`` is the ``frac_to_match`` portion of the smaller of the two sets of cells. """ def __init__(self, frac_to_match=1.0): self.frac_to_match = frac_to_match def match(self, A, B, kd_tree_B): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) t0 = dist_mat = spatial.distance.cdist(A, B) A_indices, B_indices = linear_sum_assignment(dist_mat) t1 = time_str = _pretty_tdelta(t1 - t0)'Hungarian matching took ' + time_str) distances = dist_mat[A_indices, B_indices] if self.frac_to_match < 1.0: n_to_match = math.floor(self.frac_to_match * min(A.shape[0], B.shape[0])) idx = np.argsort(distances) distances = distances[idx][:n_to_match] A_indices = A_indices[idx][:n_to_match] B_indices = B_indices[idx][:n_to_match] assert(len(np.unique(A_indices)) == len(A_indices)) assert(len(np.unique(B_indices)) == len(B_indices)) return A_indices, B_indices, distances
[docs]class Greedy(Match): """Use the greedy matching algorithm from the SCIPR paper. First all pairings between the two sets are sorted by distance from smallest to largest, and then selecting pairings proceeds down the list. The selection of pairs stops when we have assigned ``alpha`` fraction of the source set to pairs. When we are considering a pair, if the ``target`` point in that pair has already participated in ``beta`` pairs, we do not pick it. Parameters ---------- alpha : float The ``alpha`` hyperparameter in the above algorithm. beta : int The ``beta`` hyperparameter in the above algorithm. """ def __init__(self, alpha=0.5, beta=2): self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta def match(self, A, B, kd_tree_B): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) t0 = dist_mat = spatial.distance.cdist(A, B) # Select pairs that should be matched between set A and B, # iteratively building up a mask that selects those matches mask = np.zeros(dist_mat.shape, dtype=np.float32) # sort the distances by smallest->largest sorted_idx = np.stack(np.unravel_index(np.argsort(dist_mat.ravel()), dist_mat.shape), axis=1) target_matched_counts = defaultdict(int) source_matched = set() for i in range(sorted_idx.shape[0]): # A tuple, match_idx[0] is index of the pair in set A, # match_idx[1] " " B match_idx = sorted_idx[i] if target_matched_counts[match_idx[1]] < self.beta and \ match_idx[0] not in source_matched: # if the target point in this pair hasn't been matched to too # much, and the source point in this pair has never been # matched to, then select this pair mask[match_idx[0], match_idx[1]] = 1 target_matched_counts[match_idx[1]] += 1 source_matched.add(match_idx[0]) if len(source_matched) > self.alpha * dist_mat.shape[0]: # if matched enough of the source set, then stop break A_indices, B_indices = np.where(mask == 1) distances = dist_mat[A_indices, B_indices] t1 = time_str = _pretty_tdelta(t1 - t0)'Greedy matching took ' + time_str) return A_indices, B_indices, distances
[docs]class MNN(Match): """Use the Mutual Nearest Neighbors strategy to assign pairs. For any given cell ``a`` in a set ``A``, if a cell ``b`` in a set ``B`` is in the set of nearest neighbors of ``a`` among ``B``, and ``a`` is in the set of nearest neighbors of ``b`` among A, then pair ``(a, b)`` is added to the set of pairs. Parameters ---------- k : int The number of neighbors of each cell to consider when finding mutual nearest neighbors. """ def __init__(self, k=10): self.k = k def match(self, A, B, kd_tree_B): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) t0 = kd_A = spatial.cKDTree(A) _, B_nb_indices = kd_tree_B.query(A, self.k) _, A_nb_indices = kd_A.query(B, self.k) if self.k == 1: B_nb_indices = np.expand_dims(B_nb_indices, 1) A_nb_indices = np.expand_dims(A_nb_indices, 1) A_indices, B_indices, distances = [], [], [] for a_idx, b_neighbors in enumerate(B_nb_indices): for b_idx, a_neighbors in enumerate(A_nb_indices): if a_idx in a_neighbors and b_idx in b_neighbors: A_indices.append(a_idx) B_indices.append(b_idx) distances.append(kd_tree_B.query(A[a_idx])[0]) t1 = time_str = _pretty_tdelta(t1 - t0)'MNN matching took ' + time_str) return np.array(A_indices), np.array(B_indices), np.array(distances)
def _pretty_tdelta(tdelta): hours, rem = divmod(tdelta.seconds, 3600) mins, secs = divmod(rem, 60) return '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(hours, mins, secs)