Source code for scipr.scipr

# iterative point set registration methods for scRNA-seq alignment
import logging

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, normalize
import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial

[docs]class SCIPR(object): """Single Cell Iterative Point set Registration (SCIPR). Alignment of scRNA-seq data batches using an adaptation of the Iterative Closest Points (ICP) algorithm. SCIPR's core steps are matching the points and learning the transform function, and what strategy to use for each of these are specified by the user. Parameters ---------- match_algo : scipr.matching.Match Which matching strategy to use, an instance of a :class:`Match`. transform_algo : scipr.transform.Transformer Which transformation strategy to use, an instance of a :class:`Transformer`. n_iter : int Number of steps of SCIPR to run. Each step is a matching phase, followed by updating the transformation function. input_normalization : {'l2', 'std', 'log'} Which input normalization to apply to data before aligning with SCIPR. - 'l2' : Scale each cell's count vector to have unit norm (vector length). - 'std' : Scale each gene to have zero mean and unit variance. - 'log' : Apply Seurat-style log normalization to each cell's count vector (as in Seurat's ``normalize`` function). """ def __init__(self, match_algo, transform_algo, n_iter=5, input_normalization='l2'): self.match_algo = match_algo self.transform_algo = transform_algo self.n_iter = n_iter self.input_normalization = input_normalization self.fitted = False def _log_hparams(self, tboard): tboard.add_hparams(hparam_dict={ 'match_algo': str(self.match_algo), 'transform_algo': str(self.transform_algo), 'n_iter': self.n_iter, 'input_normalization': self.input_normalization}, metric_dict={})
[docs] def fit(self, A, B, tensorboard=False, tensorboard_dir=None): """Fit the model to align to a reference batch. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray The "source" batch of cells to align. Dimensions are (cellsA, genes). B : numpy.ndarray The "target" (or "reference") batch data to align to. ``A`` is aligned onto ``B``, where ``B`` is unchanged, and remains a stationary "reference". Dimensions are (cellsB, genes). tensorboard : bool If True, enable tensorboard logging of SCIPR algorithm metrics. tensorboard_dir : None or str If None, will use an automatically generated folder to store tensorboard event files. If specified, will place event files in the specified directory (creates it if it doesn't already exist). """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if tensorboard: try: from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter except ImportError: raise ImportError('SCIPR Tensorboard logging requires extra ' + "dependencies, install them via 'pip " + "install scipr[tensorboard]'") tboard = SummaryWriter(log_dir=tensorboard_dir) if tensorboard_dir is None: log.warning('tensorboard_dir is not specified, using auto ' + f'generated folder: {tboard.get_logdir()}') self._log_hparams(tboard) A = self._apply_input_normalization(A) B = self._apply_input_normalization(B) kd_B = spatial.cKDTree(B) A_orig = A for i in range(self.n_iter): a_idx, b_idx, distances = self.match_algo(A, B, kd_B) avg_distance = np.mean(distances)'SCIPR step {i + 1}/{self.n_iter}, ' + f'n-pairs: {len(a_idx)}, ' + f'avg distance: {avg_distance}') if tensorboard: tboard.add_scalar('num_pairs', len(a_idx), i) tboard.add_scalar('avg_distance', avg_distance, i) step_model = self.transform_algo._fit_step(A[a_idx], B[b_idx], i) A = self.transform_algo.transform(step_model, A) self.transform_algo._finalize(A_orig, A) self.fitted = True
[docs] def fit_adata(self, adata, batch_key, source, target, tensorboard=False, tensorboard_dir=None): """Fit the model to align to a reference batch, taking AnnData input. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData Annotated data object containing the two "source" and "target" cell batches. Dimensions are (cells, genes). batch_key : str The name of the column in `adata.obs` which contains the batch annotations. source,target : str The batch annotation values of the "source" and "target" batches. tensorboard : bool If True, enable tensorboard logging of SCIPR algorithm metrics. tensorboard_dir : None or str If None, will use an automatically generated folder to store tensorboard event files. If specified, will place event files in the specified directory (creates it if it doesn't already exist). See Also -------- fit """ A = adata[adata.obs[batch_key] == source].X B = adata[adata.obs[batch_key] == target].X, B, tensorboard, tensorboard_dir)
[docs] def transform(self, A): """Apply alignment to a batch of cells. Cells are transformed to be aligned to the same "reference" batch from the :meth:`fit` method. Parameters ---------- A : numpy.ndarray The batch of cells to align. Dimensions are (cellsA, genes). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The aligned batch of cells, same shape as input ``A``. Raises ------ RuntimeError If this method is called before :meth:`fit` method. """ if not self.fitted: raise RuntimeError('Must call "fit" before "transform"!') A = self._apply_input_normalization(A) return self.transform_algo._transform(A)
[docs] def transform_adata(self, adata, batch_key, batch, inplace=False): """Apply alignment to a batch of cells, taking AnnData input. Cells are transformed to be aligned to the same "reference" batch from the :meth:`fit` method. Parameters ---------- adata : anndata.AnnData Annotated data object containing the batch of cells to align. Dimensions are (cells, genes). batch_key : str The name of the column in `adata.obs` which contains the batch annotations. batch : str The batch annotation value of the cells to align. inplace : bool If True, then replace the cells (observations) in adata.X which have the `batch` annotation with the new transformed values. Beware that these transformed cells will have been first normalized then transformed, so they are transformed to align to a *normalized* representation (i.e. using the normalizatio specified in the constructor). Whereas the other cells in `adata` may not be in this normalized representation. Otherwise, return the tuple (transformed numpy.ndarray, row indexer into adata of the transformed cells). Returns ------- transformed : numpy.ndarray The aligned batch of cells, same shape as input batch. Only provided if `inplace` is False. indexer : numpy.ndarray Boolean row indexer into `adata` of the transformed cells. Only provided if `inplace` is False. Raises ------ RuntimeError If this method is called before :meth:`fit` method. See Also -------- transform """ indexer = adata.obs[batch_key] == batch transformed = self.transform(adata[indexer].X) if inplace: adata.X[indexer, :] = transformed else: return transformed, indexer
def _apply_input_normalization(self, X): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if self.input_normalization == 'std':'Applying Standardization normalization') scaler = StandardScaler().fit(X) return scaler.transform(X) elif self.input_normalization == 'l2':'Applying L2 normalization') return normalize(X) elif self.input_normalization == 'log':'Applying log normalization') return np.log1p(X / X.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) * 1e4)